

Throughout the day, sit-heads are having spontaneous group sits in a shared video room that's always open.

Here’s how to join us:

IMPORTANT: To use #sitwithme, you’ll need to join our group chat. This is where people announce their sits so others can join them in the video room. We use the chat program Slack. It’s free and easy to use.

How to Meditate with Others in the #sitwithme Room

Frequently Asked Questions

(As you’ll see, a lot of the answers boil down to “Do whatever feels comfortable” 🙃)

Does this cost money?

Nope! If you want to help offset our costs, you can contribute to our Patreon, but that’s 100% optional.

How long do I need to sit for?

There’s no minimum (or maximum). Feel free to pop into #sitwithme for one minute if you like!

If someone else is already sitting and you join them, there’s no need to match their session length. Sit for less time than them, more time - doesn’t matter.

Can I do walking meditation or some meditative activity other than sitting?

Yup! As long as you’re on mute and don’t disturb other yogis in the room, go nuts! Folks have used the room for walking meditation, mindful dog walks, and even eating a mindful meal.

Should I be muted when I join?

Yup, and please stay muted throughout. If you realize you’ve forgotten or accidentally unmuted yourself, no big deal! It happens. Just mute yourself and carry on.

Should I have my video on or off?

It’s up to you! Although we lightly encourage keeping your video on unless you’re in a situation where it doesn’t make sense, we don’t insist on it or even want to push it too hard. People join with their video off all the time.

I feel bad about alerting the whole Slack channel that I’m sitting. Is it really okay?

Yes, it’s really okay! Smash that button, and don’t give it a second thought. Doesn’t matter if it’s 3 AM. Slack will not send someone notifications between 9 PM and 9 AM (their local time) unless they specify otherwise, and people can customize their notification settings even further if they like. So you won’t be bugging anyone who doesn’t want to be bugged :)

If I pop into the room and someone’s already in there, should I say hello?

We like to keep the #sitwithme room silent in order to best support people’s practice. Feel free to smile and wave if someone’s eyes are open and it looks like they haven’t yet begun their sit, but it’s best not to unmute or speak.

What if someone joins the room while I’m already in there meditating?

If you realize that someone has joined the room during your sit, there’s nothing you need to do. You don’t need to open your eyes, acknowledge them, or change what you’re doing at all. That said, you’re welcome to pause your sit and wave hello or silently greet them IF that’s what YOU want to do.

Is it weird if I join the room without saying so first on Slack?

Not at all! If you do post on Slack that you’re sitting, it lets people know you’ll be in the room, which is nice and might encourage folks to join you. But it’s not at all necessary.

Is there a dress code or appropriate attire?

Not really - do you! Please wear a top, please wear bottoms, please don’t expose your privates. That about covers it.

Please share this page with anyone who might enjoy #sitwithme! The more people using this, the better it works. Thanks!