In-Person Sits and Events for NYC Meditators
Shut Up and Eat! A (Partly) Silent Dinner Party
Every second Wednesday
7:30 PM ET
Sit-Headquarters, Park Slope
Shut Up and Eat! is a potluck dinner with a pinch of mindfulness.
It's mostly a classic dinner party - eating, drinking, music, making merry - but with a few periods of silent, mindful eating.
(We'll give brief instructions on mindful eating before dinner.)
Come shut your pie hole (for talking) and then open your pie hole (for pie)!
Weekly Meditation
(& Tacos!) Meetup
Every Thursday
7:00 PM ET
Sit-Headquarters, Park Slope
This is our beloved, weekly meditation meetup!
We sit for an hour (feel free to take breaks, stand up, etc.), then grab tacos from a nearby truck, hang out, and chat about practice.
Get notified about all our NYC events (including ones that aren’t on this page) by joining our Sit-Heads NYC mailing list!
Outdoor Excursion:
Walk & Sit in Nature
Monthly on Saturday morning
Various green places
Once per month, we get together to walk and meditate somewhere beautiful in nature.
The location varies, but it’s most often Prospect Park, Central Park, or Brooklyn’s Green-Wood Cemetery.