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Meido Moore: Conversation and Q&A

This event is donation-based and open to all.

Meido Moore is the abbot of Korinji, a Rinzai Zen Buddhist monastery in Wisconsin, and guiding teacher of the international Korinji Rinzai Zen Community. He is the author of The Rinzai Zen Way: A Guide to Practice and Hidden Zen: Practices for Sudden Awakening and Embodied Realization.

Meido Moore Roshi began Zen practice in 1988, and studied under three Rinzai Zen masters: Tenzan Toyoda Rokoji (under whom he also endured a severe training in traditional martial arts), Dogen Hosokawa Roshi, and So’zan Miller Roshi. All are in the lineage of Omori Sogen Roshi, a famous 20th Century Rinzai Zen Master who was also renowned as a master of calligraphy and swordsmanship.

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