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Beth Upton: Concentration Master Class

Concentration is a doorway to deep meditation practice. Developed to a high level, it offers access to the deep absorption states of jhana, and it can also form the basis for powerful forms of insight meditation.

In this session, we'll explore concentration practice in the style of Pa Auk Sayadaw, the Burmese master known for producing accomplished jhana practitioners and for teaching a jhana-based style of insight practice. Leading the session is the meditation teacher Beth Upton, who spent ten years as a Buddhist nun, including five years in Myanmar practicing under Pa Auk Sayadaw.

There will be plenty of opportunity to practice and to ask questions.

This program is free and donation-based, with all donations going to Beth and her community (except for Eventbrite's tiny processing fee).

Please join us!

February 9

Deborah Ratner Helzer: Conversation and Q&A

March 23

Devin Berry: Conversation and Q&A