What We Do

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Weekly meetups

Every Thursday at 7 PM ET, we get together via video to sit (for 30 minutes) and chat about practice (for about an hour).

The meetups are relaxed, friendly, and fun. We’re serious meditators, but not serious people 😁


Q&A with guest teachers

Now and then, a guest teacher will join our Thursday meetup for Q&A. We look for teachers with unique perspectives and deep practice experience.


Sitting Circles

Sticking to a daily meditation practice is hard. To make it easier, you can join a Sitting Circle: a small group that commits to sit together, via video chat, at a set time every day (or weekday).


Online group chat

We have a group chat running on Slack, a simple chat app that works on your phone and your computer.

Sit-heads are on there throughout the day chatting about practice, sharing interesting links or book recommendations, and — if we’re honest — amusing ourselves at work.

Once you’ve joined us for a meetup or Q&A, you’re welcome to join the Slack.


Join Sit-Heads!